Thursday, October 22, 2009

The "Official Skeleton"

Well, here you have it, Jude is now officially part of our family as my newest nephew, the adoption is complete, we celebrate in God's goodness and grace, His mercy and provision! We love this sweet baby, we rejoice that he was chosen to be part of OUR family, and we give "Praise and Thanksgiving"(the meaning of his name!) to God for him!!!! We love you Baby Jude!!!! And thus, this little "skeleton" is officially ours to love, smooch, and cuddle forever!!!!


katygirl said...

your daughter is such a ham!

Seagers said...

Congrats to you guys and your sis! what a sweet blessing! and i (heart) those Gap jammies!

Brad and Lisa said...

Praise God, that is so awesome! How cute are they!