Thursday, September 10, 2009

Video of Emery Reading....

Here she is, inflections and all, reading just like I taught her too :)


ccdean said...

Oh My Goodness, How cute is she. I think we need to set up a play date so she can come teach my girls a thing or two about reading.

Jocelyn said...

SO funny. I was checking out her bookshelf-that would never fly at my house!

Nicole said...

HILARIOUS!! I don't know how you weren't totally cracking up in the background...also, that drool on her chin makes it even cuter :)

katygirl said...

Oh my gosh. Sometimes she looks just like you!! Was that piano music in that book? I never knew it sounded like that. That was the best thing I've seen all day. I know it's only 6:50 am but still.

Andrea said...

The funny part is, she was TOTALLY reading a music book- Wee Sing Silly songs- could she pick a cooler book for her debu??? Glad you guys thought it was as funny as I did! :)

The Ryska Family said...

my favorite part is when she throws down the books when she's finished with them. It's as if she is thinking, "good riddens, I have sucked the story from you and I need you no more!"

Janelle said...

She is just adorable! Love the story time video!

Brad and Lisa said...

Too cute! I love it!!

CC said...

That was adorable. adorable. adorable. ( are her clothes color coordinated hanging in the closet?!I'm impressed!)

Unknown said...

This is the sweetest video ever. Fun to have this digital way of checking in on your family. We miss you guys! Hope you're doing great.