A few weeks back, we headed up north to visit my family for many a'reasons. 1. Bubba and I wanted to spend a quality weekend with our nephew Owen so my sister and her hubby could get a weekend away before their adopted baby arrives in a few weeks. (For those of you who have been praying about the situation, thank you, and keep praying, they are waiting to get a phone call as soon as the baby arrives so continue to pray for all hearts involved! Thanks!). Which leads me to reason 2. My sister's friends threw her a baby shower in honor of the adopted baby boy, that Lord willing, will enter their loving family. It was such a great day, a great time of prayer for Danika and Noah and the birth mom as well. And of course 3. I love to spend time with my family, anywhere, anyhow!
Before we left Em chowed on an entire bowl of watermelon in the 100+ weather, her typical afternoon snack!

On Thursday Night we headed down to Hot August Nights to check out all the old and sporty cars, this one was Owen's fav.

Em and Papa, a little past her bedtime :) But, huh hum, she is wearing the capris I made her, ain't they cute???

On Friday, we took Em & O to the pool to do some all day swimming, Owen was a little hard to get a picture of, he was submerged most of the time!!!!

Saturday morning, this was the sweetest moment, the two of these twirps eating breakfast side by side, I wish we lived closer so this could be a more common thing!

A pic of me, my sister, and long time friend Sara at Danika's baby shower.... we can't wait to meet you and love you sweet baby!

Grammie took Emery to feed the ducks with her dress up jewelry on....

And she fed herself while she was at it- in one hand a cracker for her and one hand bread for the ducks!

And once we were home, our friend June came over and Emmie showed her how it's done, lipstick time girls!!!